Type: | RANGED |
Position: | LANE |
Role: | SNIPER |
HEALTH | 672 | - | 1453 |
ENERGY | 150 | - | 315 |
WEAPON | 50 | - | 87 |
ATK SPEED | 100% | - | 111% |
ARMOR | 20 | - | 64 |
SHIELD | 20 | - | 64 |
RANGE | 6.5 | ||
MOVE SPEED | 3.1 |
Petal's Abilities
Bramblethorn MunionsHeroic PerkPetal controls three 'munion' pets. Pets have 150 (+95 per level, +40% of crystal) health and 8 (+11 per level, +40% of crystal) damage. Petal's home platform will automatically create seeds that can be sprouted into munions.
Bramblethorn SeedSlot APetal plants a seed right in front of her. Bramblethorn Seeds provide a small healing and armor aura when near them. Healing aura can stack up to 5 times from multiple seeds. Seeds last 2 minutes and do NOT grant vision.
Yay, Pets!Slot BPetal sprouts nearby seeds into Bramblethorn Munions that fight for her. Enemies standing on sprouting seeds take damage. Activating this ability will also heal any pets already present.
Spontaneous Combustion [Ultimate]Slot CPetal commands her pets to explode one by one, dealing massive splash damage. Pets are invincible during channeling. Detonated pets become Bramblethorn Seeds.
Stats | Lvl 1 | Lvl 2 | Lvl 3 | Lvl 4 | Lvl 5 | Crystal Ratio |
Weapon Ratio |