Slot B
Petal sprouts nearby seeds into Bramblethorn Munions that fight for her. Enemies standing on sprouting seeds take damage. Activating this ability will also heal any pets already present.
Stats | Lvl 1 | Lvl 2 | Lvl 3 | Lvl 4 | Lvl 5 | Crystal Ratio |
Weapon Ratio |
Cooldown | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | - | - |
Energy Cost | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 65 | - | - |
Pet Heal | 100 | 133 | 166 | 199 | 232 | 11% | - |
Pet Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | - | - |
Petal's Other Abilities
Bramblethorn MunionsHeroic PerkPetal controls three 'munion' pets. Pets have 150 (+95 per level, +40% of crystal) health and 8 (+11 per level, +40% of crystal) damage. Petal's home platform will automatically create seeds that can be sprouted into munions.
Bramblethorn SeedSlot APetal plants a seed right in front of her. Bramblethorn Seeds provide a small healing and armor aura when near them. Healing aura can stack up to 5 times from multiple seeds. Seeds last 2 minutes and do NOT grant vision.
Spontaneous Combustion [Ultimate]Slot CPetal commands her pets to explode one by one, dealing massive splash damage. Pets are invincible during channeling. Detonated pets become Bramblethorn Seeds.
Stats | Lvl 1 | Lvl 2 | Lvl 3 | Lvl 4 | Lvl 5 | Crystal Ratio |
Weapon Ratio |