Slot A
Vox dashes in the targeted direction, throwing two attacks to the nearest enemy marked by Resonance (prioritizing heroes).
Stats | Lvl 1 | Lvl 2 | Lvl 3 | Lvl 4 | Lvl 5 | Crystal Ratio |
Weapon Ratio |
Cooldown | 5 | 4.5 | 4 | 3.5 | 3 | - | - |
Energy Cost | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | - | - |
Weapon Ratio % | 50 | 55 | 60 | 65 | 75 | - | - |
Vox's Other Abilities
Julia's SongHeroic PerkVox's basic attacks also deal 34-68 (level 1-12) +35% of crystal power as bonus damage. When attacking enemies with Resonance, this damage will bounce to two nearby enemies and refresh Resonance on that target.
PulseSlot BVox emits a sonic pulse that echoes off nearby enemies and applies Resonance. The pulse applies a slow that is significantly stronger near its center. Each upgrade to Pulse increases the damage Vox's basic & bouncing attacks deal to targets with Resonance.
Wait for It [Ultimate]Slot CVox fires an ultrasonic wave that applies Resonance to enemies in its path and refreshes all Resonance. Shortly after, a wide shockwave explodes along the same path, dealing crystal damage and silencing enemies. Striking enemy heroes with the shockwave will also cause Resonance to bounce.
Stats | Lvl 1 | Lvl 2 | Lvl 3 | Lvl 4 | Lvl 5 | Crystal Ratio |
Weapon Ratio |