Vainglory Ability - Dragon Breath [Ultimate]
Slot C
Skaarf inhales deeply for 1.5 seconds, slowing fleeing enemies and accelerating closing allies. Skaarf then exhales flame for 3 seconds, incinerating enemies in a cone in front of him. While exhaling, enemies moving against the flame are slowed while allies moving with the flame are accelerated. Skaarf may move freely while spewing fire, but he cannot basic attack or use other abilities. Each time Dragon Breath is upgraded it adds shield piercing to the exhale damage.
Stats Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Crystal
Cooldown 80 75 70 - - - -
Energy Cost 125 150 175 - - - -
Total Damage 550 875 1200 - - 300% -
Shield Pierce % 15 30 45 - - - -

Skaarf's Other Abilities

Stats Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Crystal